Tuesday, October 22, 2013

back to work/blog

Hello once again gentle persons,
Very excited to start my new job with CACI tomorrow. I am still recovering from being blindsided by USIS, and Heather and Kaitlyn and Chloe have all been there for me to recover. I need to write more, since writing out long investigation reports can be tedious, but I am very thankful to be an investigator again and working in the field. I will be adding some heavy and funny pieces of my mind on here more, giving facebook and twitter a break. So welcome back to Lake me.....

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mandatory Metallica/Tebowing

Hello Gentle Persons,

Had a great Turkey day/Heather's birthday weekend. We just kinda chilled Thursday and Friday, and today we went for a nice sunset walk on Torrey Pines State beach. The Santa Ana's are back again, nice dry and sunny weather. Nothing Like San Diego in October/November. We have been watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy, which is surprising since we both saw the Fellowship in the theater and thought it was so frickin lame! But I have to admit, it's not as bad as I thought. It was fitting that Wednesday night I played my buddy Dave in racquetball at our court, and I wore my one ring to rule them all(my wedding ring) to the court, so I threw it in my bag and forgot about it. Was really starting to sweat it today, when I searched all over the house and couldn't find it!

I have been on a Metallica kick that could compare to when I was 16! I think it was the Paradise lost documentary I watched about a month ago, which Metallica let the filmmakers use their music(their a bit possessive), I am even listening to St. Anger! I am gearing up for the end of the semester(I have been phoning it in since late September), and I can foresee lots of hours studying listening to them in the next 2 weeks....only 2 weeks left! Then god willing, I will only have two classes left and then graduation in May...thank the GODS....I love going to SDSU, but I am so ready to be DONE. I am writing a 5 page paper on the West Memphis Three, the subject of the paradise lost documentary. Everyone should see that film, it is amazing that 3 teenagers can be convicted on ZERO physical evidence and probably the weakest theories by the prosecution I have ever seen, thank god they were freed! Sorry, I am really into my Constitutional Law class, and that case makes me so mad.....Screw the man....man.

As for tomorrow, any of you that want to see a grown ass man make a complete idiot of himself, just check out my Facebook thread starting at 1pm(best coast time). I have no idea what to except from the Chargers, and worse, to expect from T-blow.

Now a lot of people give Timmy a hard time; I am one of them, but my reasons make sense. I don't really care about his religious rantings, it's kind of annoying, but it's better than other guys in the NFL that go around drunk driving, hitting their wives, or....killing dogs.....

But I don't like Tebow for 1 simple reason: HE'S A FING DENVER BRONCO!!!!! Way too many passive Charger fans out here that don't know NFL football 101....any team in your division....is YOUR SWORN ENEMY!!!!! I have only been seriously(ok, obsessively) following the NFL since I moved here in 2001, but I was raised right....the teams in your division are SCUM, and you HATE them. My dad after 5 years of fantasy football(and zero championships) still refuses to have any Cowboys, Eagles, or Giants on his team....admirable....stupid, but admirable.

So I look forward to T-blow going down in flames tomorrow, he can save the world Mon-Sat, I really don't care, but tomorrow, hes THE ANTI-CHARGER and must be destroyed!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My name is.....Robert

Hello gentle persons,
For all of you that continue to call me Bobby, c'mon man! It's not like I'm going from Clay to Ali and if John Cougar Mellonhead can change his name 3 times, and Prince can become a symbol, I should be able to use the name on my birth certificate! And....it was a certain person in Square pants that made me make the change:)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Going to try this blog thing again, since every word I write is poetry

Monday, February 2, 2009

Towel waving aholes

Well, at least New England didn't win. Yes, another football season is over, and I am bitter that the Chargers didn't even make it to the big dance. The Steelers defiantly are the best team, but I can't stand their annoying fans. Of course, if the Chargers had six championships, I would be very annoying! Chargers are undefeated again, bring on baseball season! So I can watch the Pads and the Nats suck until football starts again:(

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A perfect Sunday

I can't believe it.......The Chargers are still alive! San Diego killed Tampa Bay today with a 41-24 win, and then, the suck-ass Broncos could not win the big game against Buffalo. Thank you Bills!!!!!!! It all comes down to next Sunday at the Q, and Heather and I will be on the road. But, I will get text messages updating on the score. GO BOLTS........Looking good for fantasy team also, but I won't comment on that until the game is over tomorrow. "Today" by Smashing Pumpkins sums up today's NFL games.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Well, another semester is checked off in the done column. As I anxiously wait my grades, I love the feeling on the last day of classes. Sure, there is anxiety, but I also felt and witnessed feelings of accomplishment. I have such a great opportunity to finally finish my education thanks to my wife and her family. Speaking of anxiety, I have talked so much trash about my fantasy football team and as of now, I am 49 points down to my brother. I CAN'T LOSE TO MY LITTLE BROTHER........of course, I can't lose to my best friend who is also like a little brother to me, because Bryan lost to my little brother!!!!!At least for this season, A.B.B.(anyone but Bryan) has remained true. Being a die-hard Charger fan, I have to hope that LT, Antonio Gates, and Vincent Jackson(3 out of 8 on my active roster) have a great game to keep my Superbowl dreams alive, as well as theirs. If not, I am going to have all my smack talk shoved right back into my big mouth!